Vision, Mission & Objective
The Samadhan College conducts its programs and activities guided by overarching Vision, Mission, Goals, Values, Beliefs statements. All are revisited periodically and revised, if appropriate ....

To foster an environment that inculcates values and skills to achieve excellence in all dimensions of one’s living, to have an inquisitive mind, to be ready to face real life challenges and carve out a niche for oneself.

  • To empower students to unleash their inner potential, to leverage their professional standards through their academics capabilities and a sense of ethics
  • To imbibe a scholarly culture through research and creative endeavors that accelerates the phenomena of giving back to society.
  • To synergize collaborations that strengthen the expertise to build a dynamic intellectual capital.
  • To build resilience, sensitivity, critical thinking culminating in a strong personality through a conducive teaching-learning environment.

  • To introduce basics of ChetnaVikasMulyaShikshawhich is based on MadhyasthDarshan Co-extentialism propounded by Shri A. Nagraj Ji along with existing curriculum so that our students can attain universal human goal i.e. Solution in self (Samadhan), Prosperity in family (Samriddhi), Fearlessness in society (Abhay), Harmony with nature (Sah-Astitva) and develop the ability to live with a humane conduct.

Core Values
  • Prudent
  • Competent
  • Benevolent
  • Integrative
  • Reliability
  • Modesty
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